Why one woman set out to have intentional conversations with seemingly random acquaintances - "glistening particles" - and how those interactions are now forever changing lives through what some might call the ripple effect. Exploring the power of curiosity, authentic connection, and soul purpose with Jane Ellen.

In this podversation: Why Jane chose to start having conversations with random acquaintances Are we all just waiting for someone to grant us an opportunity to share our story? The significance of glistening particles A few of Jane's encounters and why she hopes people will just follow their inclinations The best experiences in life come when we're being 100% authentic Living your life as a prayer or your soul work The Universe doesn't care how you use your gifts but rather that you do! How her podcast is changing the world The power of following your curiosity Six degrees of separation/ the ripple effect/ synchronicity How to keep social media helpful and not harmful; it's all about connection Learning to see every person you meet as an extension of yourself

Connect with Jane further:

Podcast: https://glisteningparticles.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glisteningparticles Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Glistening-Particles-1779181979022291 Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlisteningParts

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