This episode packs a knockout combo of FLOW + HUSTLE...what Laureen Mally calls FLUSTLE. Find out what happens when neuroscience meets spiritual gifts!

Laureen is a spiritual mentor, psychic medium, aura, chakra and card reader. She has been helping people develop their spiritual gifts for over 10 years in deep but modern, fun and lighthearted way.

As a spiritual mentor she can help you find your soul aligned purposes so that you can incorporate them in your life. Her mission to help you unleash your gifts & become the happiest, most connected and peaceful version of yourself, so that you can make your impact on the world.

In this podversation: Delete repeated word journey to starting her business using her spiritual gifts Flustle = flow + hustle How "alignment" exploded her business What does Law of Attraction mean for business? Taming the ego to get in the flow Prevalence of mood disorders among spiritually awake individuals What is an aura/ bioenergy field? Research on the existence of bioenergy fields and how they work Aura levels and colors Laureen's coming out story Law of Attraction = Self-fulfilling prophecy Why you can't assume potential clients know what you do


You can connect with Laureen further on her website at


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