Ever wondered what your womb might be trying to tell you? Most women (and men) seem to treat anything dealing with the reproductive system as an inconvenience or something only meant to be considered between doctor and patient. Sama Morningstar is here to change all that!

She's a Womb Whisperer and Feminine Empowerment Revolutionary who is passionate about addressing what ails us both personally and globally by helping women to heal, awaken, and empower their connection to the Womb.

She guides women to recognize and begin to consult their own womb energies as a powerfully direct and potent source of wisdom and guidance for their lives. This process alone brings powerful healing to womb pain (menstrual pain, fibroids, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, menopausal symptoms, pre or post hysterectomy symptoms) as much of our womb pain results from generations of systematic suppression, often violent, of our womb wisdom.


In this Podversation: What is a womb whisperer? Why womb cycles are important How your womb can be a "life coach" for women The womb's connection to the psyche Why womb wisdom isn't just for women but for men as well Retroactive and shamanic womb healing The profound impact of epigenetics on one's life What happens when business ignores ecological concerns Life changes reflected in the womb White moon vs. Red moon cycle

You can connect with Sama on her website: http://www.samamorningstar.com or in her FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1590766297893933/


Want to reach Tamara? Check out:

https://aryatherapy.com/ or  https://talesfromatrapezoid.com/ 

Sound Editing provided by Pete Bailey: http://petebailey.net/audio/