In this episode, I’m talking w/ Regina M. Sewell. She and i basically have mirrored businesses. I didn’t realize how beautifully connected we were until I read her bio and checked out her services. This is a wonderful conversation about, well, starting over.

Creativity, Joy, Freedom, Healing, Growth

Regina is an intuitive, spiritual development coach with a desire to see women healed and whole, living and giving from their gifts, for joy, and for creative and spiritual freedom. She desires for women to own and author their lives, speak up for themselves, and to make a powerful impact in their own way in their community and ultimately the world. With this intention, she offers coaching and intuitive sessions pouring her own wisdom, inspiration, and lived experience into her work. It is a practice of self-love and firm guidance using metaphysical practices including oracles and tarot, energy medicine, meditation, ritual, and life experience. Regina is a clinically trained mental health counselor, adviser and healing artist with training and mentorship from master metaphysical teachers in the intuitive and spiritual arts including: Reiki (Reiki Master) and Voyager Tarot (Certified Voyager Counselor). Her life has been a path of creative life navigation, turning pain into possibilities, spiritual transitions, and healing that has resulted in sharing her experiences for the benefit of others.

Some areas of focus in coaching include:

Fear and lack of confidence has had its grip on you for a long time that you have been afraid to step out.

Spiritually transitioning from religion to more expansive and metaphysical based practices for healing and connection.

Lacking clarity in direction and what to do next in pursuit of your goals.

You're a creative artist, therapist, counselor, or healing facilitator who wants to get to the root of healing for yourself to better serve others.

You have the traditional credentials of formal education; HOWEVER, your life experiences have been your greatest teachers. You’re ready to advance and integrate what you do with all that you know.

Regina’s offerings: 10% off readings and coaching for Starting Over Podcast listeners who mention Starting over when scheduling a session.

How to contact and connect w/ Regina:

Email: [email protected]
IG: remember_livfree