This is a special episode because it’s a Starting Over Session and Starting Over @40 Podcast combo!! I love doing these because the energy is always high and feels good. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love doing interviews or the episodes when it’s just me. But when I’m able to combine the best of both worlds it’s pure magick to me.

In this episode, we are talking about surrender. This was inspired by a 6 month reading I had done using my new cards, “The Power of Surrender” by Judith Orloff. These cards are the business! I love them. And i just had to share them with you guys. Plus, as we near the end of another year and you start making plans for the new year, remember that a great thing to do or remember to do is surrender. Meaning relinquish control. Or surrender to the energies that are high vibe. That way you are vibrating on a higher level. I used to fight w/ surrendering but now I realize that it’s a necessary step in this journey that you don’t do just once. This journey is constant and so is the work. The only thing is, as you learn, as you grow, as you evolve you gain more tools in your mental, spiritual and emotional toolbag to help you cope when obstacles arise.

So I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did. There will be more of these kinds of episodes so get ready!

Don’t forget the 12 Days of Vision & Creativity challenge starts on 12/11/2019!!
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