"Healing is not just about deleting a way of being, sometimes it's about opening up a choice.”

The effect of disconnection and losing touch with what's most natural to us (5:02)Creating "right relationships" (10:33)Hellè's experience with breathwork (17:15)The powerful properties of breathwork (20:23)Digging deeper with trauma, somatic embodiment and the spirit world (25:28)Hellè's experience with self compassion and her healing journey (33:07)How to best show up for ourselves in our healing journey (42:12)Returning to wholeness (48:06)How to bring a practical, relevant and grounded approach to our spiritual and healing journey (54:13)Being genuine in the personal development industry (1:12:19)The tools we've used to support our healing and growth (1:19:40)Working with Hellè Weston (1:29:19)What makes a leader sacred? (1:31:05)

Links mentioned in the episode:

Private Initiations (1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring) with SigridHellè's website and offerings: 
Owaken Breathwork
Her website


Hellè's Instagram: @helle_westonSigrid's Instagram: @sigridtasies