
In this podcast episode, Thomas shares his journey of transformation and healing. He starts by discussing how skateboarding helped him cope with the pain of his parents' divorce. He then recounts a near-death experience that led him to explore spirituality and Eastern philosophy. Thomas describes his transition from being a wildland firefighter to becoming a practitioner of NLP and Mental and Emotional Release®. He highlights the power of breakthrough sessions and their profound impact on his clients. Thomas concludes by expressing his gratitude for his own healing journey and his commitment to serving others.



01:41 Skateboarding as an Outlet
04:20 Exploring Eastern Philosophy
05:44 Awakening and Transformation
08:02 Loss and Grief
09:14 Meditation and Acupuncture
10:08 Kundalini Awakening
11:00 Taking Action and Building a Business
13:36 NLP and the Hero's Journey
17:24 Becoming a Warrior
22:41 The Power of Breakthrough Sessions
26:53 Healing and Transformation
28:38 Conclusion and Invitation