Gil Allouche, the co-founder of Metadata. Gil’s an expert in digital marketing and AI who worked as a marketing consultant for big-name companies before quitting to co-found a startup. Listen as Gil and Nathan talk digital marketing, growth hacking, and how to work with your co-founders.


Famous 5
Favorite Book? – Enders Game
What CEO do you follow? — Brian Halligan
What is your favorite online tool? — Hubspot
Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No
If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? —That everything is achievable, and that I should set my goals much higher

Time Stamped Show Notes:
01:10 – Nathan’s introduction
01:35 – Welcoming Gil to the show
02:10 – Before Metadata, Gil was a marketing consultant for B2B companies
03:00 – Gil’s focus in college was on AI and robotics
03:10 – He followed this with an MBA and focused on digital marketing
03:35 – In February 2016, Metadata had MRR of $35k
04:10 – Currently raising around $2 million in equity in a seed round
04:50 – Would be happy with a $5 million pre-money valuation
05:30 – Metadata amplifies the impact of content marketing
06:30 – Takes initial audience and reverse engineers a profile
07:15 – Targets lookalike audiences on multiple platforms
08:10 – Starts at $10k for a 3-month pilot
08:50 – Takes over landing page, enrichment and targeting
09:15 – A startup: still figuring out a pricing model
10:00 – 3 founders; 8 team members
10:35 – How do you talk to co-founders about splitting equity?
11:10 – Just over 12 customers
11:42 – Churn rate: to date, only one customer has left
12:15 – Launched in May 2015
12:40 – Willing to spend $2-3k to acquire a customer
14:00 – Connect with Gil by email
15:20 – Famous Five

3 Key Points:
Aim high. Everything is achievable with the right method.
Half of content marketing is marketing. The best content in the world won’t help you if no one reads it.
If your startup has co-founders, have a serious conversation about splitting equity. It’s too important to not get right.

Resources Mentioned:
Freshbooks - The site Nathan uses to manage his invoices and accounts.
Host Gator – The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for cheapest price possible.
Leadpages – The drag and drop tool Nathan uses to quickly create his webinar landing pages which convert at 35%+
Audible – Nathan uses Audible when he's driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5 hour drive) to listen to audio books.

Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives