Christopher is a Conversion Alchemist at Conversion Alchemy, which means he brings copywriting, user experience and digital psychology together to help businesses understand how their visitors and users interact with them and build websites that act as their sales machines, making more money in the process.

Chris is a Former UX lead at Zeda Labs & Conversion Crimes, he writes and e-skate at Concrete Surfers (recently sold), has been playing drums for 20+ years in a band, playing basketball for 20+ years and practices Vipassana meditation daily.

In this episode we cover:

00:00 - ShoutOUT Costumer Messaging via SMS, Email, WhatsApp & Messenger00:50 - Intro03:54 - Postalytics Teardown04:21 - First Page Look21:49 - Pricing Page34:58 - About Page35:55 - Call To Action Buttons39:10 - CRO Measuring Tool41:14 - ShoutOUT Teardown41:47 - First Page Look52:55 - Pricing Page54:03 - Two Call To Action Buttons Together54:57 - Signing Up & Dashboard01:03:04 - Get in Touch with Christopher

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Conversion Alchemy Website

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7 Levels of Conversion


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