Leon Barnard is a Designer, Writer, and Educator at Balsamiq. He uses his 10+ years of experience as a UX designer to teach user interface design basics and wireframing to Balsamiq's audience of mostly non-designers. He loves helping people and technology get along better.

During this interview we cover:

00:00 - ShoutOUT SMS and Email Messaging That Converts01:08 - Intro02:29 - Marketing Strategy on Balsamiq04:28 - Balsamiq Atypical Approach on Marketing06:56 - The Whole Product Concept10:11 - The "What Should I Make For Dinner" Feature13:12 - Product Experience, Features & Wireframing14:56 - The 4 Pillars Of Balsamiq's Sustainable Growth17:23 - How Implement This Pillars as SaaS Founder20:12 - Customer Service as A Marketing Tool22:05 - How Balsamiq Uses Education As A Feature29:39 - Leon's Favorite Hobbies To Get Into a Flow State30:16 - Something People Usually Learn Only After It Is Too Late31:31 - Career Path Tips For Professionals at Leon's Area33:03 - What Motivates Leon To Continue Working Hard34:13 - What Leon Loves The Most About Balsamiq


Balsamiq SaaS Design Lessons

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