Today on SA Voices from the Field we are talking to Dr. Robert Kelly and Dr. Colin Stewart, the editors of the book Disruptive Transformation which is now available from the NASPA bookstore and on Amazon.

They define Disruptive Transformation as the process of becoming a creative and innovative leader. 

We talk to the editors about how disruptive transformation can be seen on our campuses today and how, in this changing world that we are in that we can see this and how we can become stronger leaders from this as well.

The editors talk about the change that is happening on our campuses and how nimble campuses have become in creatively and innovatively serving students.

The two editors have a long history. Dr. Stewart met Dr. Kelly on the west coast as a Masters student at the campus that Dr. Kelly was working at and over the years they stayed in touch to now be working together on this publication.

The editors stated that they worked hard to bring together authors in the book that would think deeply and bring together diverse opinions that would be new insights into the topic.

In working on the book, one thing that Dr. Stewart found was that the book became a book that he wishes that he had had 10 years ago, which encouraged him to continue forward in completing the book for others.

We delve a bit deeper into what it takes to write a book for NASPA or any other professional journal, so if you have ever considered this, listed to the whole episode for some great advice!

In asking the editors about what they hope that people will take out of the book, Dr. Stewart mentioned that he wants everyone to understand that everyone has it within them to be a creative, innovative leader.

The other thing that Dr. Stewart mentions is the importance of saying yes and, especially in times of uncertainty when creativity can be the most important thing for a student affairs professional.

Dr. Kelly mentioned that we all need to realize that Student Affairs and Higher Education is changing rapidly in regards to who is working in the field. We have to do what we can to make sure that all of our voices are heard and that is why we need storytellers and guides to help each and every one of us on this journey.

Dr. Stewart mentions that you will find that the book talks about the intersection of creativity, innovation, diversity, equity and inclusion and how do we merge these in our own professional practice.

Dr. Kelly states that he hopes that this book will help professionals to examine the ways in which we are educating our students, for we will have to make changes if we are to educate and prepare students to think differently about the world.

If you want to reach out to these editors, Dr. Kelly shared that he can be reached at [email protected] , and Dr. Stewart Stewart mentioned you can reach him at [email protected] or through Instagram, Twitter at creativesapro.