In this episode Ryan and Adam begin the episode discussing some of their actual fears.  Some of them are irrational but extremely funny to hear.  Who knew that haunted houses and wolves could be so scary to to grown men. 

The conversation turns to a chat about the "low fee" solutions that are being promoted throughout various national media campaigns.  There is more to planning than fee's and we discuss out thoughts on what we see as a best practice for the average Canadian investor.

Please take the time to read one of the following reports and educate yourself on the value that can come like working with a financial professional.

The Cirano Research Paper

Enjoy the episode, share, and subscribe. 

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Ryan or Adam using the following links:

Ryan Cornish

Adam McInroy


Special thanks to our sponsor and partner Bill Porter from Porter Sound in Peterborough, Ontario.

Check them out on Facebook:


This is a general source of information only.  It is not intended to provide personalized tax, legal, or investment advice, and is not intended as a solicitation to purchase securities.  Adam McInroy and Ryan Cornish are solely responsible for its content.  For more information on this topic or any other financial matter, please contact an IG Wealth Consultant