Previous Episode: What About Love

Welcome to Part 1 of our four-part series: Push Through 2021. We are focusing on the words position, posture, and praise. Your posture or behavioral attitude supports your position. Your posture speaks about your position and what you are fully decided on.  What have you concluded about yourself, God, and others? What is the posture of your heart based on what you have concluded? How is your heart? Depending on our position and posture we can see pain as punishment or having a purpose that is ultimately good.  Depending on our position and our posture, we can see fear as terrorizing and crippling, or we see it as a catalyst to assume a new level of courage. Depending on our position and our posture, we can see a closed door either as protection, or as rejection. It all depends on where you are, who you believe you are, and who you believe God is. Praise is necessary for pushing as it invites elevation and improves your position and posture. Let’s talk about it.


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