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Honoring Your Value

“If you let another decide the value of a thing then you have devalued that thing. If you let another decide the value of your life, you are declaring that you do not value your own life. Remember that your value is divinely assigned. You can't earn it but only Honor it” Yonette Belinda.  

Yonette explains that we all have God given value that needs to be honored. As we honor our value, we sign the seal of agreement that we are indeed a person of value with a weight of worth. How do we honor our value? It is the inward declaration and outward proclamation of our worth. Your inward declaration is your written statement on your heart that you agree to your assigned weight of value. Your outward proclamation is your outward announcement that you are important and worthy of regard.

 Yonette suggests three ways of proclaiming value: 

1. Setting boundaries and non-negotiables 

2.  Being a good steward of self and others

3. Demonstrate a measure of self-care that is covenant and a measure of self-care that is notable.

It may be surprising to know that honoring your value requires that you be a good steward to others, however you cannot know the full extent of what you carry without connecting with others. Connection births self-discovery and amplification of worth. 

If you have not committed to a measure of self-care you are encouraged to Challenge yourself to committing to one thing.

You may not always feel the value that you carry but as you remain committed to  honoring it, your commitment will push back the barriers to you seeing, and experiencing the weight of worth that you carry:)

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