Millions, $,$$$,$$$ Checklist

Here's one of the

1. Wake up 1 hour earlier ( Go to Bed 1 hour earlier)
2. Complete your morning routine - pray, exercise, _EX - whatever it is.
3. Get to your Desk By _______. You fill in the time
4. Review daily stats - know your daily market. - review hotshots
5. 15 minutes of aggressive role playing. Over coming objections - your choice
If you want up your price point - "how many homes have you sold in neighborhood?"
6. Hour of Power with follow up and book appointments
7. Track your numbers
23 calls, 8 conversations, got 1 lead, got 1 appointment, 2000 leads = 100 deals = $1,200,000

8. Check in on your pending and escrows and listings
Meet with your assistant - stay ahead of problems
Car story
9. Social media posts 5/5/5/5 for how many days a week?
Create engagement
10. Daily-______ new appointments momentum - the snowball effect.
Get your calendar - 164 days left in 2021 - Now, count the days off from now until the end of the year: 22 Sundays,______ Holidays,______ Vacation

How to win the day?
Make 5 check in calls
Write 3 personal notes
Add 1 person to your database

Win the week
Grab coffee with a favorite client
Host at least business-to-business lunch
Average at least 7 pop-by

Win the month
Contact all of your clients
Send an item value to your database on the 1st of the month
Send and ereport on the 15th of the month

Win the year
Host at least 1 client party
Measure your results vs. goals
Work with a roach

Pull the list
Add to your database NOO's & mail m/
Send the mailers to primary residence
1. For the first one: hand dressed, hand stamped