10 Must know facts about millennials

1. There are about 79 million millennials in the US, versus the 48 million generation Xers.
2. The purchasing power of millennials is estimated to be $170 billion per year.
3. Millennials send about 20 texts per day
4. Millennials will make up 5.% of the U.S workforce by 2030
5. 80% of millennials sleep with their phones next to their beds
6. 27% of millennials are self-employed
7. 56% of millennials think technology helps people use their time more efficiently
8. 14% of millennials use Twitter
9. 3.1% millennials earn enough money to lead the kind of life they want.
10. 4.1% of millennials have no landline at home and rely on their cellphones for communication

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