Watch my show today. Email tips and personal note tips. What to say and when! 🤗

Thank you after an open house visit -
Thank you for stopping by my open house yesterday. I enjoyed meeting you and talking about your [Current Situation]. I would be happy to assist you in your home-buying search. Let me know if I can help.

Thank you after a giving listing prevention. - thank you for allowing me to discuss my benefits to service your real estate needs. We believe

Thank you for the listing - thank you for deciding to work with me, Now we get to work on getting your home sold! Rest assured,I will do everything possible to ensure a successful sale for you.

Thank you to the buyer after showing - it was a pleasure meeting you and having the opportunity
To show you homes. You can be assure that I will do my. Best to help you find the perfect home and get you happily settled.

Happy Anniversary - Happy anniversary! It was just one year ago that you moved into your new home. I am proud to have you as one of my satisfied clients and I hope you will enjoy many years in your home.

Referral Thank you- Thank you for referring the smiths to me. You can be assured that I will do my best to help them and maintain your confidence in me.

New on the market card - Your neighbor just selected me to sell their home. If you have a friend or relative looking for a nice home In this area, please give me a call.

Thank you to anyone who provides you services - Thank you,. It is gratifying to meet someone dedicated to doing a good job. Your efforts are sincerely appreciated if U can serve you in any way, please don't hesitate to call.

Telephone contact - Thank you for talking with me. In today's busy world, time is precious.
You can rest assured that I will always be respectful of the time. Looking forward to talking soon.
Happy to hear about your son's success.

One final tip: Don't forget to include a business card with "Thank you" written on it!

Watch the video and find out more!






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