Letters to help prospect. They should have branding and be personalized. It doesn't need to be super long but get right to the point. Having a program with mail merge always helps. Letters should also include an item of value.

The item of value can be as simple as a flyer with important information. Some examples can include tax, mortgage, and market info. One example is a flyer with 3 reasons this is not a bubble.

You can find items of value in our Facebook group RuthieRocks.

Sending letters with an item of value can get you buyers ready to buy or sellers ready to sell. Sending something out to special clients can build your emails lists. Over time if you get one a month all of a sudden you have 12 people in your database to build a relationship with. It is all about building a relationship. We have a special time where we can add value.

Sellers need a place to move and you can find them a home to buy.

*Sample Text For Letter

Dear Ruth,

I am currently working with a family who wants to buy a home in your neighborhood. George and Sally, the buyers, have been unable to find a home that is available.
Your neighborhood and home have many of the features they find desirable. If you have any interest in selling your home, I would be happy to arrange a one-time showing of your home to them.

Please contact me at 555-555-1212 to discuss.

Remember the message is most important. You want the consumer to feel comfortable in the market or they will not want to sell their home, even if now is the best time to do so.

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