*Sales & Marketing
If you don't have a database, you probably don't have goals. You need to be able to communicate with people in your database to manage your relationships with your customers.
Not everyone will refer you. You need to focus on those who will. Building a referral business make your business work for you.

Qualifying people you do business with and grouping them allows you to quickly know who to stay in touch with so people you do business with help you stay in business.

Calls, letters, notes, and emails all count. Sending items of value show you care. In this video there are dialogues to use in your communications.

Use existing customers to generate new customers. Thats the foundation.

Marketing is promoting yourself. Working leads and farms have the goal of building a relationship. When you have relationships you have customers.

Plan your business quarter by quarter. Setting aside time to farm, pop by, and connect is critical.

*Customer Service

Turning Inquiries Into Customers. You can buy leads many many places. Those are inquires, a real lead is someone you are communicating with on the road to creating a customer.

1) Person Reaches Out
2) Import prospects into your database
3) Connect Quickly
4) Send an introduction and value add content
5) Follow up
6) Schedule an introductory meeting
7) Deliver exceptional services
8) Include them in your Client Appreciation Program.


*Financial Management
It's not how much you make, it's how much you're spending. Any money you make is split 3 ways between business, taxes, and personal.

First thing you should concentrate on is reducing the financial debt on the personal side of your life. That way you'll have more money to invest in your business.

Agents also have to keep track of their own taxes. Having a tax account can keep the money you need to pay your taxes. 1/3 of your income will be going to taxes.

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