Are you really working hard?
Many people brag about working 80-100 hours every week and working harder than everyone else in the room, but they don't put in efforts worth those 80-100 hours.
It's better to work less and be productive for as long as we work because in the end, It's the results that count, not the number of hours.

People getting in funked and they don't know it

The 3 Types of people to surround yourself with

The Dreamer - Its important to have someone who always thinks positive and keeps you believing

The Hard worker - You need someone who will keep pushing your work ethic to new heights.

The Realist - This person will keep you level headed and make sure your thinking deeper into actions

"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal, A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action, makes your dreams come true..."

Go meet somebody, make their day better.

"People lose because they want things fast, when life is long"



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