jzIrkPZauZpTNaU59OD5 Intro: Hello my friends and welcome to episode 4 478 of the RunRunLive podcast. You may have noticed that I missed a few weeks in a row here.  It was a combination of things.  Life getting in the way, of course, like it always does, but also, I’m burnt out on the podcast.  But – the bottom line is that it isn’t serving me anymore.  And if it’s not serving me, then it’s not serving you.  And I’m a nice guy.  Nice guys are notoriously bad enders.  They don’t want to offend anyone.  Time for me to step up and be a good ender.  So it’s time to switch things up.  This version of RunRunLive is actually version 4.0.  Version 1.0 was the initial 60-70 shows.  I was trying to learn the technology, and it was the emergence of podcasting.  The audio was bad, but I tried a lot of funny stuff.  It was like we were all a bunch of kids with a new toy. I was also amazed at the people that actually agreed to talk to me.  Then my first website crashed and I had to rebuild.  Version 2.0 of the podcast was much more professional, with better guests and was a time of discovery for me.  And we cleaned up the audio.  Version 3.0 was when I hit my stride and it was a heady time.  That period of my life where I was briefly internet famous for running.  Version 4.0 came about when I tried to stop and couldn’t.  So I changed up the format and started up again.  It’s time for us to move into RunRunLive version 5.0. As with every upgrade there will be bugs, but it is time for a change.  Over the last year, and I’m sure you noticed this, it’s become harder and harder for me to get the shows out.  Why?  Do I have less time?  No, it’s not about time.  It’s about passion.  It’s about having something to say.  When I can’t bring myself to write and record a show then there is something missing, something wrong.  It is not serving me the way it used to.  And if it’s not serving me, it’s not serving you.  I get it that you may be of a different opinion.  I’m grateful for those of you who say nice and encouraging things.  But it’s not you, it’s me.  I know some people model me as an example of sorts, but that’s the avatar I project, which is a bit me, but not the whole me. This, my friends is going to be the last in the 4.0 series of the RunRunLive Podcast. I’m taking some time off to re-tool the show.  Welcome to RunRunLive 5.0 It’s also a new season in my life. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to run again, or at least train again, like I used to.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t have adventures ahead.  I’m planning two new adventures as we speak.  First I’m planning to ride my mountain bike on the roads across the state of Massachusetts in August.  I already got my coach signed up and I’m already training.  So expect me to not be able to shut up about that. Second, I’m going to shift bases for the summer.  I’m moving my traveling circus down to Cape Cod for this summer.  I believe physical change is the catalyst for mental change.  It’s a bit of the bourgeoisie version of the cabin on Walden Pond, I guess.  I’d like to share these adventures with you.  So – practically what does that mean?  What is on our project plan?  How can you help? First, I’ll keep the podcast feed and files int the same places – so you won’t lose any of that. Second, I’ll drop ad hoc content as I create it, but it won’t be a structured show until I come up with the 5.0 cadence. Third, I’m re-designing the RunRunLive.com website.  I’m going to simplify it to make it more stable and easier to use. I’m going to eliminate the membership option, so those of you still paying rent will see that stop. At some point I’ll move that to a different place.  It’s a major effort as that site is 14 years old and needs some serious help – any wordpress programmers out there be ready, I’m contracting a starving artist to do the redesign but I’m sure I’ll need emergency help at some point. Fourth, I’m going to create a new format going forward that serves this stage of our journey better.  Please send me suggestions on what you think that should be. That’s the plan folks.  You should be proud of me for tackling something as difficult and personal as this new project.  Let’s create something that serves all of us. And I am eternally grateful for your support and the times we’ve spent together. On with the show

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