The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-462 – Eddy – Fit over 50  (Audio: link) audio:] Link MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks - Chris’ other show à Intro: Hello my friends and welcome to episode 4-462 of the RunRunLive Podcast.  Today we’re going to focus on self-awareness and being in the now and how that helps you deal with hard things and also helps you work with what you’ve got. I have not run a step since we last spoke.  My new strategy is to actually rest my knee and see if that helps. Not sure why that wasn’t my first strategy…  But, we all have to go through these thing sin our own ways.  The knee doesn’t hurt and there is no loss of mobility or anything.  Every once in awhile I’ll feel a twinge when I’m walking Ollie or doing something weight bearing – but in general I’m feeling strong, healthy and happy.  I’ve got a nice cadence going of lift, bike, swim – with a longer ride on the weekend.  I’m really enjoying the summer days and the work from home.  At 5 o’clock when the work whistle blows I can leave my office, jump on my bike and go for a ride or head down to the pond and go for a swim or head over to the gym for a weights session.  It’s a very nice rhythm. It strikes me that I have found this rhythm partly by circumstance, the external factors of the plague and my knee being injured, but also by meeting the universe where it is. Meaning, because of my mindset practices I’ve somehow turned a this into a quite pleasant situation.  I’m at the point now where I’m in good enough practice in all three routines, weights, bike and swim, that I look forward to it and can get a good, hard workout in.  I’m particularly happy about the swimming.  Like I said before, I wasn’t too confident because swimming has always been hard for me.  But, I seem to have cracked the code when I trained for that Olympic tri a couple years ago.  Apparently, I retained that stroke knowledge.  It frankly, amazes me that I can just wander out into the pond after not swimming for 3 years and knock out a satisfying 1,000 meter swim.  I can’t imagine what people think when this old dude rolls up at the public beach, puts on goggles, wades into the water and disappears over the horizon.  Most years I wouldn’t swim in that pond in August because it gets too warm, but with all the rain it’s stayed temperate.   Anyhow, summary is I’m in a good place, keeping the weight off and staying fit. This week we will talk with Eddy who I ran into on YouTube.  He’s a retied guy trying to build a social media empire.  He did a 5K a day for 30 days video that I loved, so we talk about that and some other stuff. In section one I’m going to give you a primer on how to start lifting weights if your strength curious.  In section two I’m going to talk about awareness.  And how awareness allows us to choose how we make our way in this world. I’ll tell you a story.  I needed a haircut this week.  Even though I don’t have much hair anymore, I like to keep it short and comfy, especially in the summer. So I went over to SuperCuts.  They said I had to wait 10-15 minutes.  So I sat down in a chair to wait.  It was very busy in there.  Apparently we are in the back-to-school season and the place was full of kids acting like kids.  People were coming in and out. The hair cutters were keeping up their chatter as they do. It was a bit of an imbroglio. Imbroglio is one of my fun words I use to let people know how much I love words.  It is basically an Italian nominalization – which means to turn a verb into a noun.  It’s a version of the English word embroil.  So, basically an intricate mess with a lot of moving pieces.  Anyhow, it was a bit of a noisy imbroglio in the SuperCuts.  I decided, since I hadn’t done my mediation yet, this would be an excellent use of the 10-minute wait.  You might say, ‘why would you try to meditate in a noisy, busy place in an uncomfortable chair?’ And the answer is, why not?  What’s different for the noise in my own head and this noise of the store? Noise is noise.  Meditation is not the cessation of noise.  It is the observation of noise, the awareness of noise.  I used to practice this form of peace when I traveled.  It works great in a busy airport or airplane.  Or to get to sleep in a strange place.  You picture yourself, or more appropriately observe yourself sitting in the environment.  You visualize a clear shell or forcefield around you.  All of the noise and chaos is outside the shell.  You observe the noise and chaos, but you let it go. You are aware of it’s externality.  Then you focus on your breathing.  And you relax into your beautiful, shell of peace within the chaos. When the lady called my name early it took me a few moments to come out of it.  I was deeply relaxed.  I had to shake it off to get my hair cut. Because, if you can only achieve mindfulness in a comfy quiet room with a statue of the buddha surrounded by candles, you’ve probably got work to do. On with the show!     About Zero ZERO — The End of Prostate Cancer is the leading national nonprofit with the mission to end prostate cancer. ZERO advances research, improves the lives of men and families, and inspires action. Link to my ZERO page: (for Donations) … I’ll remind you that the RunRunLive podcast is ad free and listener supported.  What does that mean? It means you don’t have to listen to me trying to sound sincere about or Audible.. (although, fyi, my MarathonBQ book is on audible) We do have a membership option where you can become a member and as a special thank you, you will get access to member’s only audio. There are book reviews, odd philosophical thoughts, zombie stories and I curate old episodes for you to listen to.  I recently added that guy who cut off is foot so he could keep training and my first call with Geoff Galloway.   “Curated” means I add some introductory comments and edit them up a bit.  So anyhow – become a member so I can keep paying my bills.   … The RunRunLive podcast is Ad Free and listener supported.  Section One – Weightlifting -   … Eddy Hope Health & Lifestyle Advocate Hi, I’m Eddy and this channel is devoted to Health & Lifestyle. After careers in the Royal Air Force and then as a Police Officer, I took early retirement in 2016 at aged 50. I did this as I felt that my health and general happiness came before the pursuit of perceived career success, or financial status. In March 2021 I was also diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which undiagnosed, has had a profound impact throughout my life and those around me. I now live in Tyneside (UK), with my two gorgeous border collie dogs Lilly and Setu. In this channel I hope to inspire you with ideas and provide the tools to improve your physical and mental health, your relationships, spend more time in the outdoors, get involved in volunteering and much more and all of this without the need to spend a lot of money.   Section Two – Awareness -   Outro Ok my friends we are aware of and have observed that we have arrived at the end of episode 4-462 of the RunRunLive Podcast.  Awesome sauce. I got a couple nice notes this week.  One from Jim, who commented on the presentation I made to my work group.  I got recognized in this week’s team call for helping people stay on their fitness routines.  I had another email from Brian who is running Boston this year and has watched that 2018 video of Eric and I running in the storm a bunch of times and told me it gave him inspiration. As much as I love to feed my own overblown narciscism, my point is not that it makes me happy to get good feedback.  My point is, like I told Eddy, you never know who you are going impact.  It may be 20 minutes of throw-away musing on your part but once you let it loose on the world it may find the person who needs it and resonate with them.  Don’t ever underestimate your own power and impact. Lean in.  Let you light shine.  Meet the universe where it is. I was supposed to go down and pace Dave in his 24 hour race last weekend, but he ran headlong into a 3-day heat wave and pulled the plug at 100K.  He made the decision early and waved me off.  Over Labor Day I’m going to volunteer for the .  By the way, we’re having the Wapack Trail Race this year on Sept 5th. Come on up and run 18 miles of technical single track.  One of my favorite races on one of my favorite trails.  Links in the show notes.  I do intend to go down to Bird in Hand and stumble around the half with the extra milers the weekend after Labor Day here in the states.  Yvonne, that’s my wife, Yvonne and I are going to wrap a road trip around it and poke around Amish country.  Does that make me officially old?  Then I’ve got to figure out where I’m going to walk the Boston Marathon in October.  I’m leaning heavily towards connecting with the ZERO for Prostate cancer people and doing it for Tom.  It’s a small thing, and it feels self-promotional, but, hey, lean in and listen to the universe when it talks to you! Ollie news is all good. We had our first training session with K9 training up in Nashua and it went really well.  He’s doing great.  One lesson and he’s already walking on the slack leash and not pulling at all.  This morning I walked him out to the garden, told him to stay, went inside the garden to water my Columbian tomatoes and pick some produce and he stayed the whole time, waited patiently for me to come back out.  I took him for a walk in the woods yesterday and he was slack leash the whole time.  Even on the down hills which keeps me from having to dig in on my heels and stress my knee.  Really happy with this training.  Can’t wait to start running again and get him to run on a slack leash. One of the current supply chain problems is dog food.  I can’t get his Eukanuba dog food.  Last couple times I’ve had to get something similar, but not quite right.  Currently he’s eating the “Large Breed Puppy” category of food.  Hopefully this won’t turn him into an Irish Wolfhound puppy.  I had our old friend Dirt Dawg present to my fitness team on mindfulness this week.  I really admire Mike’s work as a high school principal and how he’s able to lead a purpose driven life.  He said something that struck a chord.  Teach what you need to learn.  Teach what you need to learn.  I see Mike from the outside as a purpose driven ultrarunner who has figured out how to stay mindful in a high-stress environment.  Mike sees himself as needed to learn, and practice these very traits.  And that is part of his practice.  He teaches what he needs to learn so that he can not only help his kids and his peers but also as part of his self-awareness practice.  And that’s what I want you to think about this week as you go about your life.  The reason I’m here talking to you is that I needed to teach what I needed to learn.  It is part of my practice to talk about these things.  The practice is not because we have it figured out.  The practice is precisely because we don’t have it figured out.  We teach what we need to learn.  And, as we are teaching what we need to learn, I’ll see you out there. My Apocalypse show ->     MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks - Rachel -> Coach Jeff ->

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