The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-329 – Rachel Shuck - Beating the New Year’s Diet (Audio: link) [audio:]Link epi4329.mp3Team Hoyt Boston 2016 Campaign -> – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks - and welcome to the New Year. 2016. And also welcome to the RunRunLive Podcast episode 4-329. For you new people who just fired up their holiday-gift-technology and are stumbling around looking for content to listen to, welcome as well. We’ve been cranking out podcasts together here since the summer of 2007, I think. On this… I guess you could call it a ‘show’…we chat about amateur endurance sports from the viewpoint of a participant. I’m not a coach. I’m not an elite. I am a student of long distance running and training and I do have a bit of a passion for it. I also try to be a good story teller, because I think that’s a basic human skill that we all need to cultivate and practice. We also try to summarize some useful life lesson notes that we come across – to give us something to think about while we’re out running and receptive to new ideas. I don’t really get wrapped up in the New Year stuff. You won’t get a ‘best of’ or ‘top 10 things’ type of update from me. That kind of retrospective has really become journalistically cliché. Don’t you think? It’s a bit lazy and disingenuous. It’s like everyone who creates content is thinking to themselves “I just want to go to this party with my friends, thank goodness I don’t have to create any real content this week. I’ll just whip up a post summarizing last year.” Anyhow, I can’t tell your how many miles I ran or rode or swam last year. I don’t really keep a log anymore. I’m just at that point in my endurance sports career where the past isn’t that relevant and I’d rather just focus on this week and next week and today. That being said, you should probably keep a log!This week we are going to chat with Rachel who I have worked with on nutrition over the last couple years. I started getting those stupid New Year’s diet ads and thought we’d try to talk some sense instead. In part one I’m going to finish my ‘preparing for a hard training cycle’ series with a piece on Base Building. In section two I’m going to talk about adventure and the portfolio life. It’s been a busy couple of weeks since we last talked. The Sunday after Christmas myself and some others ran the internationally famous Groton Marathon. Made headlines around the world. Got a nice personal note from the Queen and a congratulatory phone call from Vladmir Putin. I and 3 other guys finished the whole 26.2. It was a bit of a rainy morning, but not uncomfortable for running. We had great support from my club. Probably a dozen people came out to run the first half with us and we had 8 water stops set up. We ran a casual pace and I felt fine, a little tired in the high miles, but that’s normal. We ended up finishing just around 4 hours, even with all the breaks. Then we had a wonderful ice storm that put 3 inches of snow and ice on my driveway. I guess winter finally showed up. In a ‘perfect storm’ situation, the gym at worked was closed for renovation and I dropped my club membership so I had the unusual situation for me of having to skip a workout due to weather! Sheesh! New Year’s morning we went up to Salisbury to run the Hangover Classic. I treated it as a pace run and was able to run fairly comfortable at MP -30 for the 10k nice even splits. And, of course, then we jumped in the Atlantic for our New Year’s plunge. It wasn’t bad this year because the water temperature was about the same as the air temperature, about 37, somehow less shocking. …I do have one good story from that race. When I was getting ready to take my plunge, after finishing the 10k there was a guy on his hands and knees crawling out of the surf. He was an old guy, just in baggy shorts, no shirt, slowly crawling out of the ocean after his plunge. The thing about Salisbury Beach is that there’s a tidal shelf that drops off to 4-6 feet deep, but then it’s shallow into the beach. At low tide the shelf is close to the surf line and you can just dive into the ocean. At high tide you have to wade out through the shallows to get to a point deep enough to dive in. Veterans of this race typically prefer the low tide years because you can dive in and pop back out without having to wade through 20-30 feet of freezing ocean water. This year was a high-tide year so this old guy was crawling out of the shallows back to the beach. Standing there, our immediate reaction was “this guy’s in trouble” and we tensed up in anticipation of some beach heroics. But, his friend was there and assured us that all was fine and that this guy was 80 year’s old and did the race every year. Sure enough when he got shallow enough he stood up and smiled. I gave him a round of applause. And that’s why I’ll never place in my age group in a race in New England. On with the show! Section one - Running TipsPart Four– Base Building – of reason – the conversationRachel Shuck Next Level Nutrition - Shuck is a board certified nutrition coach and author of the health book The “Shucking” Truth as well as supplemental cookbooks and meal plans. She is certified with the International Sports Science Association and the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Association, as well as holding a master’s degree in Spanish Education. Her personal journey began running 5k’s and has progressed into marathons. Along her decade long path of coaching runners she found a true passion for teaching people proper nutrition to fuel for optimal performance. Rachel’s articles have been featured in Mind Body Green and she has been featured on local news shows covering health and fitness and has filmed several videos for the Livestrong website.It’s no secret – a healthy body is a happy body. Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do. Not only will you feel great, you will look great and inspire others to take care of themselves in the process. As a mother of two teenagers, I know how important eating right and exercising are for not just you, but the whole family. We have the power to influence the health and well-being of our loved ones and create a healthy lifestyle for future generations.I have experience teaching nutrition classes, group exercise classes and coaching runners. I coach people on how to achieve a healthy lifestyle, which includes learning to eat right for life and developing the proper mindset to want to do that. Long term success is the ultimate goal. Hiring a coach or trainer can strengthen your health, take your athletic performance to the next level, guide you in making the correct food choices, and improve your confidence and outlook on life. As a board certified nutritional coach, I’m knowledgeable in how food affects your performance. So if you want to live a stronger and more confident life, I’ve got the training and the expertise to help you every step of the way.Contact Me @ 417-766-1404E-mail Me @ [email protected] to run farther, faster, and injury free? Sign up for my Newsletter and get 6 Smoothie Recipes to:• Reduce Muscle Soreness• Speed Recovery• Aid Muscle Repair • Support Immune Function After a Long RunNext Level Nutrition - two – Adventure & the portfolio life - - Closing commentsMarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks -’s it baby! You have noshed your way through the vegetable strewn garden of episode 4-329 of the RunRunLive Podcast. How ya feel? I’m tired. Too many 7:00 AM calls this week. I did make a nice bean salad last night after my workout. What’s a bean salad? Well…let me tell you about it…You can get your beans one of two ways. First you can buy them dry and uncooked. I like black beans and pinto beans. Super cheap to buy. Rinse the dry beans then fill a container of some sort up with water and soak them over night. You want an over-sized container because they are going to absorb the water and swell up. (I put them in a glass decanter once and that didn’t end well for the beans or the decanter.)When you’re ready, rinse them off and toss them in a slow cooker with fresh water. I use my rice cooker. Drain the water and you now have cooked beans. Put them in the fridge.Now you can skip all of this by buying canned beans which are already cooked. But, it’s important to note that this is one of those weekend or offline activities. The whole process takes a couple days but your direct involvement involves dumping beans in a bowl a couple times and poking a button with one of your fingers over the course of that time – probably less than 5 minutes including the cleaning up. The beans are a good raw material for all sorts of quick dishes now, one of which is bean salad. Since you rinsed and soaked the beans, they won’t make you gassy. Combine your beans with diced peppers, onions, cucumbers, even some corn, cilantro and dump in some lime juice. Salt and pepper to taste. Stir it up and stick it in the fridge. Now you have a filling, high-protein, tasty, grab and go meal. You get the idea. This week I also kicked off my fundraising campaign for Team Hoyt for this year’s Boston Marathon. I’ve included the links and a video in the show notes for you. Would be very thankful for your support. Anything helps. Really I don’t bug you folks with advertising and other useless crap. Team Hoyt is representative of all that’s good about our sport and community and I don’t have to raise money for them. I chose to fund raise for them. So do the right thing and pitch in. I’m in the first week of my taper for the Phoenix Marathon on the 17th. I usually like to go in to races over-prepared. I like to train so well that the results are never in doubt. I’m not so sure about this one. I’ve got good base and I’ve got some of my speed back. On paper I should be able to hit my goal pace but I feel like I’m on the edge. I figure it’s now or never. I’m focusing on going in with fresh legs and good general health. I’ve switched my focus to more core strength for a couple weeks and less volume and intensity. It will be an adventure. Registration is open for the Groton Road Race, the 3rd Sunday in April as always and this is our 25th year. Come up and join us. I’m passing the race director baton after this year – so another chapter closes. There’s local hotels so why not fly up to New England and spend the weekend? Spend some time with us? episode I’m trying to get Matt, the gentleman who read my MarathonBQ book into audio for me on. I’m interested in his perspective, as a bit of an outsider, in producing the work. And, yes, at the end of the week, about the same time this podcast drops, I’m pushing the MarathoBQ audio book up to Audible. We’ll see if they accept it or not! I’m quite excited about it primarily because it means I successfully completed a project from start to finish that involved collaborating with someone and not just doing all the work myself! …I finally went to see the new Star Wars movie this week. I liked it. It was definitely a continuation of the original 1977 movie. Same characters. Same look and feel. Very good. I saw the original in 1977/78 in the theatre. That was so long ago I don’t think I went with my wife I think I went with my Mom! I was excited to see the new one but all through the holidays I just couldn’t coordinate with my family or it was sold out and I was getting that sinking feeling that I would end up watching this on my living room couch six months from now on the small screen with the dog barking in one ear and someone else screaming in the other. This week I wasn’t traveling. My kids planned to go and see the 4:00 PM showing, I couldn’t make that. I had a call at 4:00. I just thought to myself, “screw it. I’m going by myself” and I went online and reserved a great seat for the 6:30 showing. I show up at the theatre and find my wife and kids sitting in the back row. They decide to have dinner instead of going to the 4:00 show. Story of my life. Filled with irony. I can’t schedule anything to save my life but I show up and they’re already in the theatre. Of course I still had to sit by myself in that really good seat down front, in the middle, but that’s the way it goes. Enjoy your 2016, wherever you are, even if it’s a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away – l’ll see you out there. MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks -

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