Coach Sarah guides us through a super-fun chat about the actual challenges of summer running, while reminding us that the complications of summer extend WAY beyond heat. It's never about the running, but when a run doesn't go well, we cannot move beyond the running. We also tie in heaps of wisdom from our runners in Maintain and (Re)Build, who have incredible perspectives on running this time of year!


Show Notes:

We don’t like to say “embrace the suck” because that kind of presupposes that it’s going to suck, and we are not doing ourselves any favors by framing it that way 

“This makes me strong” (think of athletes who train at altitude) We are forced to think about our about self-care and notice how we do less of it when it's light past 9pm and the kids just won't go to bed.  “This motivates me to get up and out early so that I’m not training in the heat of the day” “This reminds me that I do not need to approach training with the viewpoint of an elite athlete - I get to make choices about whether going for a run is the right thing to do”

Start from a different premise than usual: rather than OMG HOW TO SURVIVE THE SUMMER WHICH SUCKS SOOOOO MUCH let’s come at it from “what do we get to do this time of year that we otherwise don’t ever get?”