Recorded at She Podcasts Live in Atlanta #SPL19


Excited to be in the same room for the second time this year and thrilled to be in a hotel full of women determined to change the world with their voices, the coaches unpack their feelings about "monetizing your audience" before diving deeply into a reflective conversation about what they are trying to achieve with the Fitness Protection Program as well as their podcast, Running Life. 



Fresh out of a panel targeting health and wellness podcasters and visibly uncomfortable, Coach Sarah recalls how her mother dipped into wellness-type therapies before her untimely death from breast cancer. Coach MK describes how vulnerable she felt sorting through available options in the aftermath of her child's autism diagnosis. Both women acknowledge the fine line between sharing something helpful and monetizing recommendations, which happens to be a major source of revenue for smaller players in the podcast industry. 

Coach MK has strong feelings about the responsibility she feels towards her clients and lets her Wharton show while she explains why she purposely excluded partnerships and sponsorships from the initial Fitness Protection revenue models (it had to do with Pretty Woman!) before explaining how her personal values influence the corporate structure she is building in her desire to serve a vulnerable, overlooked population. 

We also make sure you KNOW that our podcast editor, Kris Zarnoch, is a heat-seeking MISSILE who has blown Coach MK away with her determination to work a room!

One year from now, we hope to look back on this episode and remember, for better or for worse, "THIS is how we got here."



"Treating autism with bleach:


Cocktails and Cancer:


Pretty Woman and Private Equity:


Japanese Corporate Management:


Cost Calculation Comparison:


How to generate revenue from a podcast: