Coach MK and Coach Sarah stream live Q&A sessions each week on the Fitness Protection Program Facebook Page, The FPP YouTube Channel, and Twitch, simultaneously. Join us! They are a lot of fun and super informative, and anyone may ask follow-up questions during the live broadcast.

This week, we remind everyone that fall racing prep starts NOW: the 10-week marathon document would initiate on Aug 12 for an Oct 17th race; and the two month lead-in period to build the base required to coast on only 10 weeks of prep would have started....on June 3.

Then, we offer a call-out for Runner, Interrupted. Beta should launch on August 1. Email [email protected] if you or someone you know would be interested in helping us pilot this program.

(Re)Build questions from the beginning
Maintain questions begin around ten minutes into the program

1. I have a full marathon in fall. My goal is to be faster than my first marathon - I would love to be around 5 hours- so how do I train my mind that I CAN run faster. How do you train your mind to not want to slow down?
2. What is the deal with training threshold notifications in training peaks? They seem to happen a lot and the values go up and down. What does it even mean?
3. I’ve recently begun to know and understand what an activated glute muscle is and how it feels. I’m aware of my non-dominate side glute, but am not able to really feel my dominant side glute working/activated.
4. Transitioning from Rebuild to Maintain, does it/ would it make sense to keep some of the rebuild strength work in addition to the Maintain circuits?
5. Can you explain the difference between AR and float in Sailing? And how are those different than the jog in Batter?
6. I have a few short ones: What does it mean when training peaks says “You set a new heart rate threshold.”? When you say that nutrition may be one of the contributing factors to a disappointing / craptastic run, do you mean nutrition in general, or do you mean nutrition just prior to and during the run? The clam series kept my booty SORE for the entire month of May. Am I loosing those gains by not continuing that series this month?
7. We are traveling international for 3 weeks. What’s the minimum running you’d like to see to not loose too much fitness? Especially considering jet lag…
8. Hills! In the past we had Hilly Tweaks...are there some basic additions we can make to improve hill performance? For example High Knees up a hill and everyone’s favorite Hill Bounds...suggestions for quantity?
9. I am super Excited for the new Marathon Programs you recently explained in Beta page. Will there be the option for to opt into a pre race coach call if needed?
10. Warm up and cool down were on your runner's priorities list. What are important elements? Running a certain period of time with HR under 140? Since silly toes was listed separately I assume that's different from warm up. What else should we know about warm up and cool down?
11. I signed up for a 10K on the Fourth of July before FPP existed. It's the Peachtree 10K which will have 60K runners. I've raced rarely and when I have I ran leisurely with little regard to pace. Since I will have been in FPP for three months on race day, I would like to challenge myself and show off new skills.
12. If I missed it in an earlier edition, I'd love to hear more of Sarah's journey into coaching (here or in podcast)?