Coach MK and Coach Sarah livestream question and answer sessions for their runners each week on the Fitness Protection Program Facebook Page, The Fitness Protection Program YouTube Channel, and Twitch, simultaneously. Join us! They are a lot of fun and super informative, and anyone may ask follow-up questions during the live broadcast.



Hey Coach MK & The Amazing Coach Sarah (sorry I accidentally submitted a doc without completing the question): Any tips on form for “runner’s knee”? I notice minor knee pain after doing strides/accelerators/pick ups. I feel like I generally have good form. However, the acceleration & speed seem to be the precipitating factors. I cannot thank you both enough for your wisdom, guidance, support & awesomeness you bring into my world! - Becky


I’m not quite in the market for a new watch yet, but what are the differences between the Polar Vantage M and V? It looked like running power without a stryd, their “recovery pro” thing and an orthostatic test. What the heck is an orthostatic test? Are those worth the extra 200 bucks?




Hi Coaches. So happy to be here. As you know I am rehabbing my Plantar Fasciitis from 9 weeks ago. I am happy to say that it’s 95% there. I am listening to my body and continuing with all the rolling, massage and strength exercises so it doesn’t return. I am also able to wear my Fivefingers again to improve my foot strength. My question is about long runs. I am doing what I can do. Listening to my body. Is it ok to slowly build up with an a of being able to follow the August plan more closely. Today’s long run I did 75 minutes I was tired and hungry. It was tough I am scared doing too much will get me injured again. I am kind of thinking doing maybe 90 next week and see how I feel the last week of July Is this reasonable? So glad I am coached and loved again. Also thank you Coach Sarah for your strength streams. I am so consistent thanks to you. X


Just need a reminder on how many weeks to ramp up for a half marathon. Is it 6 weeks? Also just wondering if office hours will be available if we would like advice for race day strategy? Race isn't until the fall, so I'm not stressing just curious to know if this will be an option available to us. Thanks! Kim


A couple questions. First up... for those of us running a fall marathon, is it a good idea to run a half marathon somewhere in the 10 week program and if so when? Also, if we have a hilly marathon, are there specific strength exercises or tweaks to our existing 10 week program. Or would this be something we can access in our member center? THANKS much...and I forgot to look but is this where we also find descriptions to the runs of the 10 week programs. THANKS A TON!


Heart rate question. I know my Garmin 235 is bit wacky. Sometimes it doesn’t read my HR correctly. If I am really basically running at my normal EE rate and the Garmin goes all wacky- should I continue and just shuffle or should I walk? I can take my pulse and am pretty sure I am below 140. Thoughts?


Enclosing my "hilly" race course. Looks like I have my work cut out for me 😉Any tips for training for a hilly race much appreciated:-) THANKS


Help! I am confused about the hip inversion/eversion on the Friday strength exercises for Maintain. I just re-watched MK's videos and want to clarify: the standing foot *does not* move as I twist, correct? Because I could swear that I am seeing MK move her standing heel! And if this were ballet class, that's what we'd do. Further, does the raised leg rotate in the hip socket? i.e., do the kneecap & foot stay pointed @ the ceiling throughout? Or do they rotate from ceiling to wall & back? I can't see MK's foot in the video frame, and it looks like the femur/knee is rotating. I can't tell if you're just showing different ranges of motion for different modification options, or if I'm making it something it's not. Thank you! Love, Too Many Dance Classes