Today I am discussing a very interesting topic “ Homecoming: What Does It Mean to Come Home”. I stumbled across the topic during my Homecoming to my Alma Mater, Florida A & M University (FAMU) a few weeks ago. Those of you who know me, and/or are regular listeners know that I love FAMU. My mother helped spark my interest in physical therapy. FAMU A&M was one of two  Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that had physical therapy at the time. FAMU was within driving distance for me. After I went to a program called TOPS- early orientation I was sold and the rest is history.  I have very many fond memories of my years at Florida A&M. One thing in particular that stood out was my professors and how caring they were for the students. I met some of my lifelong friends/family- FAMUly. 


Homecoming: What Does it Mean to Come Home.  You may be asking how does this relate to endurance sports? Well the feeling I get when I go to homecoming is one of rejuvenation, one of enlightenment. I get the same feeling when I go to race meetups with Fast Chix founded by Col. Yvonne Spencer or triathlons where there is a large presence of Black Triathletes Association ( BTA) such as Chicago Triathlon, and various other 70.3 and full distance IronMan races. Members of TeamThe National Black Marathon Association, National Brotherhood of Skiers, and Team Zoot are also included.

The Race, various World Major Races, and the Reggae Marathon race are other road races with the same feel.. Members of these various groups are like family, and how can I not mention my first running group United Nations. I get that feeling  even if I don’t or can’t race for whatever reason.  The emotions attached to being among your tribe or crew is  priceless.  It was members of these various groups  that helped me move when my place caught on fire in Philly. Drove me to surgery and picked me up. Brought me food when I was recovering from surgery. Took me to doctor’s appointments when I could not drive. 


Running is Cheaper Than Therapy is not just a podcast about endurance sports, but also, it is  based on movement from a wholeness aspect. People participate in sports for many different reasons including, physical and mental well-being as well as the connections that come with associating with fellow athletes. Homecoming is about feeding your spirit and staying connected to people with whom you click. It is about finding joy in whatever you do and the people you do it with.


Episode Highlights:   Homecoming at Florida A&M University. Some fond memories at Florida A&M University. What community means to me What does in mean to come home and how it relates to endurance sports? How to feed your spirit and how the endurance sports community means so much 


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Get a copy of the book; Running Is Cheaper Than Therapy: A Journey Back to Wholeness. It is available in hardback, paperback, and newly released audio form

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