Runchatlive Ep42: Todd Hargrove ' Playing With Movement'

"Kids, animals, and most successful athletes develop skill and fitness through play, not working out. The best pathway to movement health is found not by tracking huge amounts of data or following algorithms, but through curious exploration of the physical world."

In 2014 , Todd Hargrove's book 'A Guide To Better Movement' rapidly became an absolute 'must have' for anyone who works with people in pain, explaining in a way that only Todd can concepts from modern pain science including the neuroscience of motor control, cortical body maps, complex systems, developmental movement patterns, and more.

In this episode of RunChatLive, we talk to Todd about his recent book 'Playing With Movement' in which he discusses how the mainstream approach to sport training and physical therapy has become 'all work no play', too often focussing on movements that are boring, repetitive, planned, stressful, and intrinsically meaningless.

We hope you enjoy it!


This episode of Runchatlive was recorded LIVE as always at and then uploaded to YouTube and all popular podcast apps. By joining us live at Facebook you are able to ask the guests questions and be part of the moment! Join us for the next one!

RCL43: Thursday May 21st 8pm (BST) / 12pm (PDT).
Talking about his latest book 'Living The Dream'
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RCL INTERNATIONAL RUNNING CONFERENCE 2020 Dates have now been released for the RCL International Running Conference 2020: Thursday October 29th & Friday October 30th in Brighton, UK. Details of the TEN speakers presenting across the two days will be released soon, as well as links to early bird tickets, so make sure you follow us on social media @runchatlive.

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