This podcast series is devoted to sharing good teaching practice at Gardens Elementary School which is located on the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology campus in Saudi Arabia. At GES, our student population is multi-cultural, diverse, enthusiastic, engaging and confident. They are also fun loving and happy.

Through the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) we provide opportunities for students to develop an understanding of essential concepts, skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable them to be lifelong learners. Our students are 

actively involved in authentic inquiry-based learning across all the curriculum areas. They develop confidence in their abilities, think for themselves, question, express their opinions and respect the opinions of others. As students learn to reflect on their learning, they become critical thinkers. We encourage students to voice their ideas and to take action to improve the school and the community. Student achievement and progress is shared through regular assemblies, parent conferences, open houses and activities aimed at making the school a stimulating center for the community.

Episode 6 is with Tim Scarrott

Unpacking Success Criteria Related to Positive Peer Interactions

In this episode, Tim Scarrott discusses how he involves students in the co-construction of success criteria related to 

developing a deeper understanding of positive peer interactions in his class. Tim believes in the power of making learning very explicit and visual in order to provide his students with the tools necessary to build a positive class culture by ensuring a supportive environment is in place from the start of the school year. 

Tim shares how he and his students developed a common language around what positive peer interactions look and feel like in his classroom in order to scaffold important learning related to social and emotional wellness. By creating a culture of mutual trust and respect, Tim and his students have specific guiding principles in place that allows everyone’s voice to be heard and respected. This conversation is sure to spark your thinking in regards to how you construct a positive environment for your students that allows them to feel safe and to show respect for one another.
Tim’s Bio
Tim graduated the University of Melbourne with a PE major and started his teaching career at a public school in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. He then hit the international teaching circuit, teaching PYP and MYP in Singapore and Jeju Island Island, Korea. Tim began teaching at the KAUST school earlier this year. He is passionate about student's voice, keeping active physically and mentally and positivity. Tim and his wife, Naomi spend most of their summers in Ireland with their 1-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter.
Connect With Tim
Twitter: @TimJScarrott
Connect With Gardens Elementary School
Twitter: @GESatKAUST


Themes Discussed:

Postive Peer Interactions, Class Norms, Social & Emotional Wellness, Responsibility