This podcast series is devoted to sharing good teaching practice at Gardens Elementary School which is located on the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology campus in Saudi Arabia. At GES, our student population is multi-cultural, diverse, enthusiastic, engaging and confident. They are also fun loving and happy.

Through the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) we provide opportunities for students to develop an understanding of essential concepts, skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable them to be lifelong learners. Our students are actively involved in authentic inquiry-based learning across all the curriculum areas. They develop confidence in their abilities, think for themselves, question, express their opinions and respect the opinions of others. As students learn to reflect on their learning, they become critical thinkers. We encourage students to voice their ideas and to take action to improve the school and the community. Student achievement and progress is shared through regular assemblies, parent conferences, open houses and activities aimed at making the school a stimulating center for the community.
Episode Three with Kristin Anson
Kristin’s Bio:

Kristin started her teaching career at a small independent school in woods of Washington, USA and since then has held PYP Visual Arts positions in Vietnam, Ecuador and Cambodia.  She has been teaching at the KAUST School since 2011. Kristin is an advocate of choice based art education and fostering authentic engagement and passion for the arts in her students. She and her husband recently completed designing and building a home in a remote corner of Sri Lanka and they enjoy spending holidays there with their 3 and 8 year old daughters.

Student Agency and Autonomy

In today’s episode, Kristin shares the work she has done over the last three years to help deepen student agency in her elementary art program at Garden’s Elementary School. Kristin shares the behind the scenes work required to organize her program in a way that allows for self-directed learning. She shares major lessons learned and AHA moments in her teaching that have allowed her to refine her approach and maximize time in her classes. Kristin delves into how she has modified the flipped classroom approach in order to promote more student agency and increased opportunities for her to give timely feedback to her students that is quality in nature. Regardless of the subject area you teach, you are sure to gain some valuable insight from today’s episode with Kristin Anson.
Connect With Kristin
Twitter: @artykris


Connect With Gardens Elementary School

Twitter: @GESatKAUST


Themes Discussed:

Teaching For Artistic Behavior, Flipped Classroom Learning, Student Agency, Play and Exploration, Self-Directed Learning, Timely Feedback, Classroom Organization