In this 75th episode of the Run Your Life podcast, well-known author/educator, Frank Stepnowski, shares the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ behind his latest book, Retribution: A Teacher Strikes Back. As a very committed and passionate educator with over 25 years of experience, Frank speaks from the heart about the obstacles and roadblocks that stand in the way of teachers in America, and other parts of the world, from operating at their best for the students whom they serve.

In this episode, we delve into many important facets of what being a great educator means. Accountability, reflection, relevance, and the importance of feedback all entered the radar of this discussion. Frank has loads of insight that he shares, based on his own story of being an educator in America.

Frank’s wisdom comes through loud and clear as does his endless desire to keep making a difference in our field. Regardless of what you teach or your role in education, you are sure to find great value in this discussion with the one and only Frank Stepnowski.
Frank’s Bio
Frank (Step) Stepnowski is a father, husband, teacher, author, and iconoclast. He is a 25-year veteran of the teaching trenches and an outspoken advocate for educators everywhere.

He has written four books championing teachers and shedding light on their daily struggles and the broken system in which they work. His voice is unapologetic, often prescient, occasionally controversial, but always entertaining. “Why Are All the Good Teachers Crazy?”,

“S.C.R.E.W.E.D., An Educational Fairytale”,“Teaching Sucks, But We Love It,”

and his newest release: “RETRIBUTION: A Teacher Strikes Back” are all available online wherever kick-ass books are sold.
Connect With Frank:
Twitter: @Frankstep1
Themes Discussed:
Critical Reflection, Advocacy, Obstacles, Failure, Vulnerability, Accountability, Purpose, Hope, Vision