Here are 3 ways in which I pull myself out of a bad mood:

1. Breathe - there are a multitude of apps that can help you with this, or you can just focus on taking 2-3 deep breathes (and holding in between) - there is nothing quite like the power of a deep breath.

2. "The Why Game" - similar to how a 2-year old asks, "why" to literally everything you say, do this inside of your own mind as well. Sit down and start with the question "Why am I feeling this way" and answer it honestly. Take that answer and ask "why" again. Then again, and again and again until you hit a point where the true story reveals itself to you. How will you know it has revealed itself to you - trust me - you'll know.

3. Move - For me, this involves running. For you, it could be a punching bag, working out, lifting weights, walking your dog, stretching, yoga, etc. It doesn't matter as much WHAT you are doing but as long as you are doing SOMETHING. Get up and shake off that negative energy, move your body and even break a sweat.

So - what do you do to pull yourself out of a bad mood?

If you need an accountability tool to help you run more, check out my app at!


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