Today, we have a special guest who embodies perseverance and determination. Jonathan Prosser is a runner, husband, and father who overcame a DNF on his first difficult 100 miler and went on to finish the Outlaw 100. Then, the Leadville 100!  Not only that, he’s a husband, and father, and now directs a race in Kansas called the Skyline Scramble. Join us as we delve into Jonathan's journey and find out what he does to get it all done.
Show notes:

Today, we have a special guest who embodies perseverance and determination. Jonathan Prosser is a runner, husband, and father who overcame a DNF on his first difficult 100 miler and went on to finish the Outlaw 100. Then, the Leadville 100!  Not only that, he’s a husband, and father, and now directs a race in Kansas called the Skyline Scramble. Join us as we delve into Jonathan's journey and find out what he does to get it all done.


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