Ever know someone who is always all smiles!  That’s today’s guest.  My friend Paul Countess is one of those guys who just exudes JOY!  Even in the middle of a grueling 100 mile race, the dude is smiling!  I love it!  Paul loves to challenge himself with TOUGH races to push his limits.  He just recently completed the Bigfoot 200 and due to life’s circumstances, his training was only about 30 miles per week!  Be encouraged as we visit with Paul and find out what it is that makes him such a happy guy.
Show notes here:  http://www.theriot.run/paulc

Ever know someone who is always all smiles!  That’s today’s guest.  My friend Paul Countess is one of those guys who just exudes JOY!  Even in the middle of a grueling 100 mile race, the dude is smiling!  I love it!  Paul loves to challenge himself with TOUGH races to push his limits.  He just recently completed the Bigfoot 200 and due to life’s circumstances, his training was only about 30 miles per week!  Be encouraged as we visit with Paul and find out what it is that makes him such a happy guy.

Show notes here:  http://www.theriot.run/paulc