Jason is a man on a mission!  This PE coach is pushing himself to finish 100 FKTs.  He's currently on number 89!  In 2015 his amazing fitness was set back due to an accident that left him with multiple broken ribs, shoulder, and a torn ACL among other injuries.  His mindset in recovering from his injuries is what drove him to heal up and then thrive.  He chose to move forward, learn, and grow.  You'll be inspired by his accomplishments and attitude!
Show Notes:  https://www.theriot.run/jasonh/

Jason is a man on a mission!  This PE coach is pushing himself to finish 100 FKTs.  He's currently on number 89!  In 2015 his amazing fitness was set back due to an accident that left him with multiple broken ribs, shoulder, and a torn ACL among other injuries.  His mindset in recovering from his injuries is what drove him to heal up and then thrive.  He chose to move forward, learn, and grow.  You'll be inspired by his accomplishments and attitude!

Show Notes:  https://www.theriot.run/jasonh/