Julie Hromadka lives here in Oklahoma and has been crushing her races.  I’ve had the privilege to coach her through some of 2022 and for her first 100-mile race at the Lake Murray Endurance Run.  Julie is a bundle of positivity and always encourages others.  She has the desire to see other women on the trails and has started group runs for women in her area to introduce ladies to the trails.
Show notes here:  http://www.theriot.run/julieh

Julie Hromadka lives here in Oklahoma and has been crushing her races.  I’ve had the privilege to coach her through some of 2022 and for her first 100-mile race at the Lake Murray Endurance Run.  Julie is a bundle of positivity and always encourages others.  She has the desire to see other women on the trails and has started group runs for women in her area to introduce ladies to the trails.

Show notes here:  http://www.theriot.run/julieh