I had a blast getting to know Chase and Casey Hammond.  I love our ultra community!  They are from northwest Kansas and really enjoy being involved in the Ultra community.  Chase and I both ran the Moab 240 in 2020.  He finished and I didn’t.  We had fun comparing notes and chatting about the process of running 200 mile races.  Chase will be doing the Cocodona 250 this year. He and Casey also direct races in their area and have added a new race, the Cowboy 200 in Nebraska!  On top of talking about all of that, we get to talk about their degrees in nutrition and how they used their knowledge to formulate products specifically for Ultra Endurance athletes!  This was a super fun and informative podcast!
Show Notes:  http://www.theriot.run/cowboy200

I had a blast getting to know Chase and Casey Hammond.  I love our ultra community!  They are from northwest Kansas and really enjoy being involved in the Ultra community.  Chase and I both ran the Moab 240 in 2020.  He finished and I didn’t.  We had fun comparing notes and chatting about the process of running 200 mile races.  Chase will be doing the Cocodona 250 this year. He and Casey also direct races in their area and have added a new race, the Cowboy 200 in Nebraska!  On top of talking about all of that, we get to talk about their degrees in nutrition and how they used their knowledge to formulate products specifically for Ultra Endurance athletes!  This was a super fun and informative podcast!

Show Notes:  http://www.theriot.run/cowboy200