00:00 - Intro - We're doing it LIVE

01:54 - Orenda help line rings with people asking about winterization

03:19 - The type of safety cover affects water chemistry

05:20 - Winterization is like bear hibernation

06:21 - Sanitizing and Balance: two separate things

08:28 - Winterization kits miss the point

11:38 - Even sitting next to each other looking at the same laptop, Jarred is still somehow not looking at the show notes

14:24 - What is a winter watch program?

15:32 - Spring openings

19:54 - What are calcium crystals?

22:04 - Winter dust

23:22 - Swim Across America recap. Jarred survived...barely.

30:13 - Introducing our spanish podcast hosted by Miguel, Controlando la Piscina

30:56 - Summary. Thanks for listening!




Connect with Orenda Technologies

Website: https://www.orendatech.com

Help Center: https://ask.orendatech.com

Blog: https://blog.orendatech.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OrendaTechnologies

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orendatech/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orendatechnologies/

Swim Across America | Team Orenda: https://www.swimacrossamerica.org/goto/orenda


Connect with Orenda Technologies

Website: https://www.orendatech.com

Help Center: https://ask.orendatech.com

Blog: https://blog.orendatech.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OrendaTechnologies

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orendatech/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orendatechnologies/

Swim Across America | Team Orenda: https://www.swimacrossamerica.org/goto/orenda