00:00 - Intro

01:43 - Swimming is an individual sport AND a team sport. Individual athletes racing the clock are part of a bigger team. This translates to pool companies as well.

04:02 - Let's focus on people. Not the job, not the skills, the people. People are always the most important aspect of a business.

04:32 - The benefits of a baseline, such as water chemistry minimums. Standards lead to collective intelligence, the team becomes more cohesive.

10:09 - Build a family and team atmosphere. Gather input from employees. They know things you do not.

10:45 - A reward system within the team, i.e. "Mojo" the monkey.

13:41 - Involve the homeowners in appreciation of your employees too. Example: Southwest Airlines 'kick-tails'

17:47 - With more profitability comes opportunities to clean up the brand. Better uniforms, cleaning the trucks, etc. Everyone wants to take pride in their work.

19:25 - Increasing the margin for error also helps keep employees. Example: customer adopted the Orenda program and noticed their employees were starting with some 'early wins' and getting compliments early on. More room for error means less frustration when learning.

23:24 - Training is available all over the place. Orenda has Orenda Academy, this podcast, over 100 blogs, videos and procedures too. But other companies do too. Manufacturers want to train your people.

24:15 - Summary: Let your team build a healthy culture, once you have established a baseline and a family/team atmosphere.



Connect with Orenda Technologies

Website: https://www.orendatech.com

Blog: https://blog.orendatech.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OrendaTechnologies

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orendatech/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orendatechnologies/


Connect with Orenda Technologies

Website: https://www.orendatech.com

Help Center: https://ask.orendatech.com

Blog: https://blog.orendatech.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OrendaTechnologies

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orendatech/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orendatechnologies/

Swim Across America | Team Orenda: https://www.swimacrossamerica.org/goto/orenda