00:00 - Intro

00:58 - To reduce alkalinity, use acid. But there are a few types of acid. And what, exactly, does acid do? It converts alkalinity into carbonic acid (dissolved CO2).

04:17 - The amount of dissolved CO2 in your water determines the pH.

04:36 - Clarifying "carbonate alkalinity" vs. "total alkalinity". 

07:45 - The Orenda App adjusts alkalinity automatically for you when you update the CYA level.

08:45 - How to actually add acid to reduce alkalinity: do not column pour! Dilute dilute dilute.

13:55 - How to deal with tap water with high alkalinity (150+ ppm) or very high alkalinity (200+ ppm).

17:16 - Reduce alkalinity slowly. Do not remove more than 20 ppm at a time. Aim for 10-15 ppm of alkalinity reduction at a time. The more dilution, the better.

18:12 - To reduce risk of 'tanking the pH' while reducing alkalinity, aerate the water. And there are other ways of stirring up the water without circulating it through the system.

20:00 - How to raise alkalinty: Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and Sodium carbonate (soda ash). Bicarb is more appropriate for raising alkalinity because it barely raises pH, whereas soda ash will raise the pH significantly for the same alkalinity addition.

23:49 - Summary. Thanks for listening!



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