00:00 - Intro

01:42 - Dilution is not always the solution. But it can be the most practical answer to get certain chemistry levels reduced.

06:54 - Evaporation will not lead to dilution, because the dissolved solids stayed behind. Things will accumulate because tap water adds more dissolved solids to the water.

07:09 - Dilution is not so much about high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), it's about what's in that TDS.  Specifically high cyanuric acid, and high calcium hardness.

09:55 - You don't have to dilute all at once, it can be done over several weeks or more. You can also let nature dilute it for you (rain and snow).

12:40 - If your chemistry is preventing you from maintaining LSI balance or having proper sanitation, draining and diluting might help you simplify your chemistry. Draining/diluting is much better than throwing a whole bunch of other chemicals in the water.

15:37 - Summary - Dilution is a good thing in many cases, but it's not always necessary. Thanks for listening!



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