00:00 - Intro

01:30 - Controlling pH is not possible. pH moves with anything that happens to the water. It's a reactionary chemistry.

04:07 - Many ways for you to balance the LSI. Use the Orenda App and find out what works for you. 

05:45 - Disclosure for commercial pool operators with pH limit of 7.8, and those with chemical automation/acid feeders.

10:26 - White rings around aggregate means the loss of calcium hydroxide (aggressive water stole calcium). From the ITZs.

12:33 - Example using the Orenda app. Let's do this together so you can see for yourself.

17:31 - What if we leverage Henry's Law, and use it to our advantage?

19:21 - Containing pH means never going RED on the LSI calculator, so the pH naturally rises to its ceiling (Henry's Law), and no further.

25:00 - Quick recap of why pH has to rise.  CO2 determines pH, and CO2 has to off-gas to equalize with CO2 above the water (Henry's Law). 

29:58 - Stop thinking of pH as something you can control. Focus on keeping the LSI balanced by containing pH.

31:00 - Recap. Focus on proper sanitization (FC:CYA) and your LSI. Thanks for listening!



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