00:00 - Intro, reconnect with nature

04:48 - Water would naturally seek balance if you just shut your pool off. But that is not advised, because water would correct itself at the expense of your pool.

08:04 - Err to the high side of calcium hardness going into the winter.  LSI balance at the coldest temperature is the main priority.

08:23 - The second priority of winterizing is keeping the water clean. But winterization kits have nothing to do with LSI...they are mainly chlorine, algaecides and a sequestering agent. Do you really need them?

10:11 - You don't need to super shock going into the winter.  Just chlorinate a bit more than normal. As temps drop, less chlorine is needed.

10:38 - Sequestering agents and chelating agents (like our SC-1000) do not work in cold water. We don't include ours in our winterization protocol. You'd be better off adding it in the spring or during startup.

13:42 - The Orenda winterization kit does not exist.  Chlorinate normally, add some enzymes, then remove phosphates with PR-10,000 a few days before you close. You'll need to clean up the dust and clean the filter.

16:05 - Get a thermometer if you don't have one.

16:30 - Water is an incredibly powerful element in our world, so we should embrace its natural properties. If you don't get water what it needs (especially when cold), it will damage your pool in search of balance.

17:33 - Let your pH naturally rise. If you have a solid cover, give it a week for the pH to naturally rise before covering it. Don't close at 7.4-7.6 and immediately cover the pool, because CO2 won't escape.

19:27 - Thanks for listening!




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