00:00 - Introduction

04:54 - Rule 1: Never let chlorine touch any other chemical

07:16 - Rule 2: In commercial pools, pick ONE type of chlorine

09:11 - Rule 3: Keep acid stored with separate spill containment

11:44 - Rule 4: For residential pools, only one primary chlorine type, and possibly one secondary chlorine stored separately

12:36 - Trichlor feeders need to be installed correctly

15:15 - Rule 5: Saltwater pools can use a secondary chlorine shock (but not in-line)

17:10 - Rule 6: Create physical separation between chemicals in your vehicle

19:00 - Mistakes happen...even Eric is guilty

20:33 - Chlorine "conflicts" in water

22:41 - Summary




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Swim Across America | Team Orenda: https://www.swimacrossamerica.org/goto/orenda


Connect with Orenda Technologies

Website: https://www.orendatech.com

Help Center: https://ask.orendatech.com

Blog: https://blog.orendatech.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OrendaTechnologies

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orendatech/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orendatechnologies/

Swim Across America | Team Orenda: https://www.swimacrossamerica.org/goto/orenda