00:00 - Intro

02:00 - Look up "nodule" on blog.orendatech.com, and you will find articles that show photos of calcium nodules. You can also do an online search of nodules and find plenty of information.

04:32 - This is the Orenda podcast, and we believe you should hear both opinions on nodules.  First, the NPC's position.

08:08 - Now, the onBalance position.

12:42 - Both sides acknowledge nodules are not scale. They are minerals from within (or behind) the plaster surface that come to the surface.

17:12 - Water chemistry itself cannot stop nodules once they've started. They are not chemistry problems, in our experience. They are a physical problem with structural weaknesses in cement.

20:12 - Summary - thanks for listening! If you have comments or requests for the show, our new email address is [email protected].  



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