Part 1 with Tony Portera was fun. In part 2 the fun continues and we get to learn much more. We learn about Tony's nutrition, fueling strategy, the wonderful people he's worked and trained with, and in the end a rapid fire question round. Be sure to listen. Thanks!
Nutrition outside running

Follow NSNG (No Sugars, No Grains) lifestyle.
Eat when hungry.
Typical day:

Wake up, have a coffee with HWC (heavy whipping cream)
Might have BPC (Bulletproof Coffee) if have a 20 mile run.
Had a Fat Shake before the call consisting of  kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, chia seeds, and a scoop of coconut oil.
Sometimes an afternoon snack of cheese and salami. Maybe a salad.
Dinner would consist of steak, fish, or chicken and salad. Maybe some berries.
Almonds or sunflower seeds.

During running:
Still a struggle. On a fat-adapted lifestyle and fueling strategy, Tony can run 20 miles without eating anything, so unless 20+ mile training runs are a regular thing, there isn't a lot of opportunity to practice fueling on the run.
Typically things to fuel with:

Justin’s Nut butters
Coconut oil

In his most recent Jackpot 100 performance, while employing a High Fat, Low Carbohydrate fueling strategy:
For 80 miles:

Nuun for electrolytes
No bonk. No rush of sugar.

For miles 80 through 90s infused more carbs into system:

A few gels on limited bases
Pizza later in the race.

Result: It went well and Tony finished 3rd place overall. His personal best for a 100 mile race, and just under 19 hrs (18:58).
“Everybody is different. Experimenting is good.”
Some recommended fuels to try include:

Justins Nut Butters
Generation UCAN Superstarch
BRL Sport Nutrition Trifuel and Invigor8

“Adapting in ultra running is very important. Running an ultramarathon is all about goal adaptation.”
Fear the chair. Fear the van...Don’t get in the f*cken van!
“There’s nothing wrong with not finishing. Some of the greatest runners have DNF’d one point or another. Absolutely nothing wrong.”

Tony's wrap up and special thanks:

The whole ultra community
Lisa Smith-Batchen
Ray Zahab
Zach Bitter
Vinnie Tortorich
Jamie Donaldson

All the people he trains with regularly including:

Aaron Heath
Elena Makovskaya
David Isaac
Van Cortlandt Track Club

All the race directors including:

Mario Lacerda
Chris Kostman
Blake Norwood

Included in this year's Badwater crew:

Vinnie Tortorich
Serena Scott Thoms
Jason Obirek

Catch Tony Portera If You Can:
IRunUltrascom on Facebook
On Twitter: @irunultras

Visit to learn about Vinnie Tortorich’s NSNG Lifestyle.

Visit for great healthy gluten-free recipes.

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 Music of:

Luzius Stone/Fire In The Sky,
Jimmy Buffett/A Pirate Looks At 40

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