Today’s guest on RTW Nation is Fiona Redding, founder of The Happiness Hunter and co-host of Business Addicts the podcast. I first encountered Fiona when I heard her speak at Disrupt HR Melbourne in 2015 and you can watch Fiona’s presentation here. I wanted to get her on the show because she has a unique take on work life balance…… it’s all LIFE. It’s easy to be stressed when you work in RTW and I know I’ve been tempted to segregate my work and family life in the past. But perhaps there’s a better way. Fiona calls it Life Integration. Fiona and I discuss: How and why she discovered Life Integration as an alternative to work/life balance How are you living your life, with work being just one component? The increase of Free Agents in the workforce Allowing work to become part of your life can make it more rewarding Be honest with yourself What are your drivers, values and vision Grit Happiness Hunter Walks I read out a listener review from a motivated RTW Professional plus I have a motivational quote from author Daniel Pink. Make sure you visit The Happiness Hunter website and have a listen to the Business Addicts podcast. Connect with Fiona on LinkedIn or Facebook and follow her on Twitter. Read Mark’s blog and connect with him on LinkedIn. Join the RTW Nation Facebook Group and follow Mark on Twitter.


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