Donald Trump is now, according to a CNN Poll, a legitimate contender for the White House. But why is Trump continuing to gain support? Donald Trump is talking 'to' Americans and addressing the issues they want addressed, while the rest of the swarm of Presidential wanna-be's are just shouting at each other and fewer and fewer are really listening to them. Trump is addressing bringing jobs back to America, regaining American pride (and Americans are proud patriots, particularly the middle class), they are fed up with China, Mexico, India, Phillipines scoring against the U.S. in economic issues/jobs issues (real and perceived). Donald Trump is the billionaire who flies his chopper right over (literally) Hillary Clinton's head at the Iowa State Fair and takes the average person for a ride. British bookmakers continue to improve his odds at taking over the White House.If we had one Canadian with some real cash reserves and an attitude like Trump's, along with a slate of maybe 20-30 'independent' candidates to follow him/her in a federal election in Canada, would Canadians vote for such a 'renegade', dealing with immigration, respecting Canadian history, who promises to bring jobs back from overseas, etc, instead of the terminally boring Harper, Trudeau, Mulcair goulash?
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Donald Trump is now, according to a CNN Poll, a legitimate contender for the White House. But why is Trump continuing to gain support? Donald Trump is talking 'to' Americans and addressing the issues they want addressed, while the rest of the swarm of Presidential wanna-be's are just shouting at each other and fewer and fewer are really listening to them. Trump is addressing bringing jobs back to America, regaining American pride (and Americans are proud patriots, particularly the middle class), they are fed up with China, Mexico, India, Phillipines scoring against the U.S. in economic issues/jobs issues (real and perceived). Donald Trump is the billionaire who flies his chopper right over (literally) Hillary Clinton's head at the Iowa State Fair and takes the average person for a ride. British bookmakers continue to improve his odds at taking over the White House.
If we had one Canadian with some real cash reserves and an attitude like Trump's, along with a slate of maybe 20-30 'independent' candidates to follow him/her in a federal election in Canada, would Canadians vote for such a 'renegade', dealing with immigration, respecting Canadian history, who promises to bring jobs back from overseas, etc, instead of the terminally boring Harper, Trudeau, Mulcair goulash?

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