The death of Cecil the lion from Zimbabwe is the international story of the week. If the lion was lured out of a protected area to be killed for sport, prosecution is in order. Trophy hunting is a big business for the countries that issue and sell licenses to kill specific types of animals. Most people are not aware that this business is critical to the economic livelihood of some African villages. Walter Palmer, the U.S. dentist who shot Cecil, may be one of the most reviled people on earth and is being sought for extradition from the United States back to Zimbabwe. Palmer maintains he was not breaking any rules and followed the advice of his professional guide and tracker. Nonetheless PETA has called for the hanging of Palmer. What should happen to Walter Palmer? Should trophy hunts be sanctioned by African governments? Is hunting wrong?
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The death of Cecil the lion from Zimbabwe is the international story of the week. If the lion was lured out of a protected area to be killed for sport, prosecution is in order. Trophy hunting is a big business for the countries that issue and sell licenses to kill specific types of animals. Most people are not aware that this business is critical to the economic livelihood of some African villages. Walter Palmer, the U.S. dentist who shot Cecil, may be one of the most reviled people on earth and is being sought for extradition from the United States back to Zimbabwe. Palmer maintains he was not breaking any rules and followed the advice of his professional guide and tracker. Nonetheless PETA has called for the hanging of Palmer. What should happen to Walter Palmer? Should trophy hunts be sanctioned by African governments? Is hunting wrong?

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